Resource Center
Entertainment Resources, Services, and Financial Aid to benefit the Music Industry.
Financial Support
Entertainment Industry Specific
Specific to the music industry, these organizations offer financial resources for the music and entertainment professional.
We Are Friends 2.0 - Basic Essentials Relief Program
The We Are Friends 2.0, Basic Essentials Relief Emergency Program provides short-term assistance for the entertainment industry professionals within the State of Hawaiߵi, who are unable to work due to an interruption in bookings, health issues, or are unexpectedly incapable of earning an income. The program is in partnership with Foodland Stores to secure “Basic Essentials” and receive relief from the lost gigs, lessons, recording sessions, stage production, and other music-related professional work.
2020 Coronavirus Artist Relief Fund
Music Work International's updated & newly released list of COVID Relief funds.
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund provides financial assistance to all types of career musicians and music industry workers who are struggling to make ends meet while facing illness, disability, or age-related problems.
Haven Foundation
The Haven Foundation is providing aid for artists who have had at least 40% of their income come from their art over the last 3 years and must be a legal US resident. The application needs to be sent in via physical mail and there is a thorough application checklist listed on the website above. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. The PDF of the application can be found below.
Music Health Alliance: Short-Term Emergency Funding
Music Health Alliance’s mission is to #HealTheMusic by providing access to healthcare — including mental health — through services that protect, direct, and connect music industry professionals with medical and financial solutions.
Music Health Alliance’s vision is to create a safe and confidential place for the music community to gain the best healthcare and health insurance solutions through defined and transparent healthcare advocacy services with an emphasis on the prevention of illness and overall physical and mental wellness.
Can We Help You Further?
Contact Us @GoodStuff@HenryKaponoFoundation.org
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Disclaimer: This page is intended for informational purposes only and not as a solicitation or to provide legal advice. You are welcome to contact us directly, however, should you have specific questions or concerns, the HKF highly recommends speaking to an attorney or professional in the appropriate field.